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Print ain’t dead!!

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What a strong statement that is.  Over the past 10 years there has been a meteoric change in technology – what with the most people owning a PC, the rise of the Internet not to mention digital printing.  The face of design and print has rapidly changed, some of it not really for the better, depending on where you stand.

Whilst we need to adapt and embrace new technology we still need to bare in mind what the aims and aspirations of any business is.  Your brand is your business and everything you do, and literature that you produce, needs to reflect your special kind of business.  Your business is unique to you and so should all of your marketing material.

What any business needs is a variety of different avenues to help promote it and ideally this should be a good use of traditional and new marketing methods.

YES – you should have a web site – YES you should use social media – YES you should have well designed and quality printed literature.  And YES you should pick up the phone and speak to people rather than using emails all the time!

We have seen a change recently – people are coming back to the tried and tested methods of communicating with customers – good old fashioned leaflets, brochures, handing out business cards and talking to people – long may it continue, because sometimes the old ways are the best!

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